Register for your free TechXLR8 visitor ticket Your free visitor ticket includes: A world class conference programme with 100s of hours of content across IoT, ARVR, Cloud & DevOps and Startup Elevate stages. 8 exhibition areas across AI, ARVR, Blockchain, Cloud & DevOps, IoT, Startup Elevate, and our co-located events 5G World and Mission Critical Technologies - that’s access to over 300 exhibitors and sponsors. Hours of networking with some of the most senior professionals in the industry. 4 demo zones, our 2 day Hackathon and much more! Your free TechXLR8 visitor ticket does not allow you access to The AI Summit, Blockchain Summit or 5G World conferences. You'll need to purchase a delegate pass if you want access to these areas: Purchase AI or Blockchain passes or Purchase 5G World passes Register Socially Register using social media to speed up your registration, see who's going and invite your friends and contacts! https://www.faceb...