Ethernet HUB

Ethernet HUB :- In this type of HUB all ports have RJ-45 connectors.
Combo HUB :- In this type of HUB ports have several different types of connectors such RJ-45, BNC, and AUI.
HUBs generally have LED (light-emitting diode) indicator lights on each port to indicate the status of link, collisions, and other information.
To understand the functionality of hub let’s take an example from real life.
There are four friends who share everything. One of them finds a photo of Amitabh Bachchan. To share this with friends, he will make three photo copies from Xerox machine and give one copy to each friend. He doesn’t need a copy of photo for himself as he has the original one.
Now change the characters in this example. Replace friends with HUB’s port, photo with data signal and Xerox machine with HUB.
There is a HUB which has four ports. Ports share everything. One port received data signal from its connected device. It will make three copies of data signal from HUB and give one copy to each port. Receiver port doesn’t need a copy of data signal for itself as it has it the original version.
This is what exactly a HUB do. When a hub receives signal on its port, it repeats the signal and forwards that signal from all ports except the port on which the signal arrived.
There are two types of HUB
Passive HUB:- It forwards the data signal from all ports except the port on which signal arrived. It doesn’t interfere in data signal.
Active HUB:- It also forwards the data signal from all ports except the port on which signal arrived. But before forwarding, it improves quality of data signal by amplifying it. Due to this added features active HUB is also known as repeaters.


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